Camping Asia 2023
Key Visual
Embark on Taipei Performing Arts Center's visual odyssey, "Camping Asia: Reimagining Bodies and Choreographies." Born from ongoing dialogues with Centre National de la Danse, this post-pandemic return melds urgent body expression and speculative knowledge. The visual narrative captures the intersection of artists' bodies and expanded choreography, portraying Asia not just as a place but as a dynamic force within art ecosystems.
Camping Asia unfolds as an adventure, transcending borders and redefining contemporary art possibilities. Join this East-West celebration, where body and art converse, inviting you to rediscover the essence of dance. Camping Asia redefines artistic expression on the Taipei stage.
Client: Taipei Performing Arts Center
Studio: suhuikai
Role: Creative Director, Graphic Designer

Layout Exploration

Early Stage Design Variation

Event Documentation by TPAC
Opening Even by Chanel
Publication Design Process

Final Printing Process

Full Credits
主辦單位 Presenter | 台北表演藝術中心 Taipei Performing Arts Center
共同策劃 In Partnership with | Centre national de la danse
合作夥伴 Supported by | Chanel
執行製作 Produced by | suhuikai
Creative Director 創意總監 | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
Producer 製片 | Syvia @syvia.wang
Key Visual Design 主視覺設計 | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su、林建宏 Sean Lin
Publication Design 刊物設計 | 黃郁惠 Yu Hui Hung
Photography Team
Producer 製片 | Syvia @syvia.wang、Pevin @pevin_l
Photographer 攝影 | 登曼波 Manbo Key
Stylist 造型師 | 新公園 @_xingongyuan_ - 楷恩 @kaynkenchen、于寧 @uningkuo
Hair 髮型 | 黑鵝摩沙 @hairmosa.lab - 韋冠宇 Willy Wei @willy81220 闕宗賢 Allen Chueh @zongshian
Hair Assistant 髮型助理 | 吳宗翰 Wu Tsung Han @iammonca、黃薰仙 xian @_ xenaxx
Make Up Artist | 好容羿工作室 @so.easystudio - 吳羿蓉 @ara.wu 謝易珊 @Lyraxie2017 王詩瑩@moolly.w
Make Up Assistant | 王靜瑄 @malenie.w 余巧雯 @annn98__